Following up with brides used to give me full body anxiety.
"what do I say?"
"I don't want to bother her!"
"Maybe I'll just wait to hear back from her" > *ends all emails with, "let me know if you have any questions!"*
The thing is when I learned sales, I learned follow ups aren't annoying, they're essential to stand out in your brides inbox + leaving your emails with that boing LMK if you have any questions is a sure fire way to get 0 response.
➡️ & guess what? It doesn't need to be complicated . I'll hand over a plug + play template for you to send out to brides TODAY for free!
Follow up with brides who you haven't heard from with confidence!
Escape the boring follow up email: "let me know if you have any questions!"
Stop second guessing your email responses = standing out in her inbox!
for bridal hairstylists + makeup artists that want to recover brides you think *ghosted* you.
Follow up with a simple plug + play template to go from "they don't want to book me" > OMG SHE BOOKED!!!!